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Wesley Foundation

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Groundbreaking Ceremony:

March 28, 2025

We invite you to join us for a special Groundbreaking Ceremony on Friday, March 28, from 10-11 AM at our new location, 124 Waldron, West Lafayette, IN 47906. This will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with people from Purdue, the architects, builders, city officials, and other campus ministries. Everyone is welcome!


To RSVP for the Groundbreaking Ceremony, please click the button below.

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We've moved!

As many of you know we've said goodbye to our beloved building and location on Purdue's campus. Now we've moved in and are sharing space with the Baptist Student Foundation at 200 N. Russell St. until our brand new building is constructed!

A Home Away From Home

Wesley Foundation is a campus ministry at the heart of Purdue! As a community of diverse college students, there is always something happening at Wesley, whether it's worship, Bible study, fellowship, small groups, sports, Midnight Pancakes, service projects, spiritual retreats, bicycle trips, or mission trips.

Get Involved 

Interested in getting involved but unsure how? There is a place for you here! Stay up to date with announcements and events at Wesley Foundation. Join our GroupMe, subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on social media to connect with our campus ministry.

Support Wesley Today!

The continuation and success of our ministry is because of YOU! Apart from rental income, Wesley Foundation at Purdue relies entirely on donations from churches and individuals like you. Please invest in our ministry so we can further expand our outreach in Christ's name. Every contribution matters!

Know a New Student?

Know any new students heading to Purdue's Main Campus this Fall? Please fill out this survey if you know a student who may be interested in joining us!

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